Why Your Website Is Not Getting Customers

Why Your Website Is Not Getting Customers

“I get so many visitors each month, yet I can’t get them to buy anything”. If this is you then you’ve come across the right blog article. Frustrated marketers and business owners complain that their visitors are not converting into leads and even more, clients. They argue that although they’ve spent a lot of money and time to generate traffic it still is simply not converting these leads into clients.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, in this article we will cover 5 key reasons why your website may not be converting.

We will be discussing Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies so it’s best if we are all on the same page as to what that means.

CRO, in short, is the technique to increase your conversion rate by creating compelling click-throughs to bring your lead down the funnel into buying something or completing a specific action.

Here’s why your visitors aren’t converting into customers: 

Information Overload

Take a look at the picture below and tell me what you think. 

This is a landing page of the renowned brand Zara. Do you see how clean it is? Right off the bat, the brand is “converting” you by taking you to the products that they are offering. There are no generic and annoying pop-ups nor multiple calls-to-action on a single page. It’s simple, clean, and concise. 

First impressions last and therefore I want you to take a look at your own homepage and think what a first-time visitor would feel like. Would they be paralyzed with the information they had to process or would they have an efficient and clean map towards their objective? 

The easiest way to measure your first impression is through the “5 Second Test”. What you will need to do is show a test-user a snapshot of your landing page or your homepage for 5 seconds and then ask them various questions about your brand. 

The test will allow you to understand whether or not your audience is getting your main message. And if you’re wondering why 5 seconds only, the answer is that users tend to spend a really short amount of time on the homepage of any website.  

Talk once, Listen Twice

Marketing is a relationship between you and the potential customer. It’s a two-way street. You don’t want to bombard the visitor with constant messages about what you have to offer, why they should choose you, what value you bring, and etc. 

Rather what you want to do is figure out what the pains and troubles of your visitors are. Why are they even visiting your website in the first place? Are they there to buy something or research something? Any marketing 101 courses will tell you that you need to dive deep into the consumer psyche. 

One of the ways you can do this is by installing a chat-bot on the homepage. According to a study by a digital marketer,  you can increase your conversion rate by almost 45% just by using a live chat-bot. (https://neilpatel.com/blog/live-chat/)

A chat-bot provides customer-service before a customer has even decided whether or not they’re interested in you. This increases your chances of clearing out any confusion/hesitations the visitor might have. 

Pop-Ups are reputation killers

Trust us on this, pop-ups are like those annoying insurance commercials that come on during game-time. We can’t do anything about them but we all hate them. You might think that your pop-ups are actually providing value to the visitors but think again from the visitors’ point of view. 

Take a look at the following image and put yourself in the visitors’ shoes. The visitor won’t take a moment to close the pop-ups before eventually losing interest in the product you’re selling. 

No one likes to be caught off-guard especially when they’re just casually browsing through. You have to give your website a clean experience. Your website should exude efficiency and effectiveness. The best way to not do that is through pop-ups. 

Provide Contextual Call-to-Actions

While blogs are a great way to provide insightful content to the users, they’re also a great market place. However, you don’t want to be the sleazy salesman yelling “BUY MY PRODUCT” on each and every article. Here is an example of what you don’t want to do: 

The problem with banner ads is that they’re highly ineffective. We have become so used to them that we just skip right ahead. Though they might look good and attractive, they will not help you convert your visitors into customers. 

Rather here is what you do want to do: 

This is an example of a “Contextual Call-to-action”. The subject of the blog is in line with the product that the blog is selling. You should always aim to meet the needs and wants of your consumer rather than shoving the product down their throat. 

Figure out the problem before figuring out the solution

The problem isn’t that your visitors are not converting into leads or customers. The problem is WHY aren’t they converting? Before you start hiring marketing strategists, influencers, and ads to boost traffic, you need to understand why your current traffic isn’t being converted. 

If there is a leak in your water pipeline, you don’t increase the flow – you fix the leak. Similarly, you want to see exactly where the problem lies. Is it because your website provides too much information on a single page? Is it maybe what you’re offering isn’t in line with what the visitors want? Or is it simply something else? 

You have to be able to answer these questions for yourself. The way you can do that is by reviewing multiple metrics available. Analyzing the metrics will give you deep insight into what seems to be working and what isn’t. 

Only when you realize where the leak is, can you hope to fix it. 


Here is the bite-sized version of the entire article. 

  1. Provide a single and clear call to action.
  2. Do not use too many pop-up ads.
  3. Provide excellent customer service right from the start for e.g. using a live chatbot
  4. Use contextual call-to-action rather than banner ads. 
  5. Measure your key metrics and see where the problem lies. 

Remember this ladies and gentlemen, the only way to succeed in this business is by constantly adapting. Don’t get comfortable with your current procedures and processes. Always look for the next best thing. And remember, the customer is ALWAYS right. 

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